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Amgen Breakaway From Cancer


In 2005, Amgen founded Breakaway from Cancer® out of the belief that it takes a team to beat cancer. The nationwide initiative aims to increase awareness of the important resources available to people affected by cancer – from prevention through survivorship.

Breakaway from Cancer is a collaboration between Amgen and four nonprofit organizations that play leading roles in several aspects of cancer care, complementing the services provided by healthcare professionals. Services of the independent nonprofit organizations include advice from cancer survivors, links to research and clinical trials, information on cancer prevention, cancer education, emotional support, help with financial issues, and access to care.

The resources provided by these organizations, as well as information from more than 100 additional cancer websites, are compiled on the Breakaway from Cancer website. Designed to address the many questions a patient may have, the website features a navigator tool that allows users to customize a search specific to their needs.